Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at MommysBundle.com.
Early Motherhood: Love the Joy. Love the Chaos.
This week in my pregnancy countdown, my baby is the size of a rutabuga (a large round yellow-fleshed root that is eaten as a vegetable) and about 13 1/2 inches long. Baby is still working on building up some fat and looking more and more like a new born (instead of an alien? hehe).
Nothing too different this week, although I have noticed that my eyebrow hairs are very sparse, I’m starting to get really overheated easily, and I’m getting more nose bleeds these days…sigh. I guess if that’s the worst of it for now, I’ll take it!
Also, I’m not one to pay too much attention to the scale, but I’ve noticed that my weight is at a number I never thought I’d see in my life about 160 lbs, yikes :(! I’m just glad I don’t actually look like it…or so I think. According to the average weight a woman is expected to put on throughout pregnancy, I’m coming in quite close, so I better slow down a bit or find time for light workouts!
Oh well. As long as my baby is healthy and feeling good, I am perfectly fine with that :)!
Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at MommysBundle.com.
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