Finding summer activities to do with baby was a predicament I encountered every couple years with a newborn. While summer is one of the best times to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather or pool beach fun with kids, doing so with a brand new baby, brings on it’s own set of challenges.
Babies under 6 months of age need to be careful under the sun’s direct rays, and older babies can’t always participate in all the fun summer activities toddlers pursue.
Each of my three kids were in that newborn phase at about 1-6 months throughout the hot summer days, so I can understand first-hand how frustrating it is to feel like you can’t do anything with baby in the heat.
Venturing out with an infant during 80-90 degree weather, wasn’t something I particularly looked forward to each year. I mean, not only was it difficult to breastfeed under the sweltering heat, but it was also incredibly stressful planning ahead and chugging along all those summer essentials baby would need to be comfortable all day.
But with time, I found a few things that were perfect for keeping baby cool in the heat and helping him partake in those fun summer days.
Related: Genius Tips for Keeping Baby Cool at the Beach
So if you’re looking for things to do with a baby this summer, I thought I’d share some easy play ideas for moms looking to enjoy time with baby right at home.
The ideas below work great when you need activities to do with babies under 1 up to even 2 years old. Some of these can be done outside (water activities!), while others can be done inside during those extra hot days when you need a reprieve from the sun. Enjoy!
Easy Baby Activities for Summer
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Baby activities to do outside at home
- When you’re looking to keep baby cool right at home, nothing beats an inflatable kiddie Pool.
- You can even take the ball pit outside and add some water for even more fun!
- Another fun way to keep baby cool while stimulating the senses is a simple homemade water blob!
- Let baby explore his or her artistic side safely, with some edible paint outside.
- Don’t drive all the way to the zoo just yet — explore your backyard and you’ll see the zoo that exists right before your eyes!
- Melt some colorful ice with baby using the heat of the sun!
- Or try a taste-safe ice painting activity that works for babies too.
- Make music and movement in the backyard.
- Set up a little water table and watch how baby pours water and splashes about.
- Keep it simple, with one of our favorites — blow bubbles together!
- Take baby for a stroll down the block in a shaded stroller ready with a portable fan you can strap right on!
Baby activities to do inside during summer
- Grab a baking tray and let baby splash a couple toys around inside during tummy time.
- Let baby cool off indoors with some fun Sensory Ice Play.
- If ice isn’t your thing, let baby have a “car wash” indoors. Just grab a bin, toy cars, and fill with baby-safe soap and water.
- Read with baby in the air conditioned house.
- Make use of that kiddie pool and convert it into an indoor ball pit on the days that are just too hot to get out. This one makes a perfect baby ball pit!
- Bring the toys to the tub and cool off indoors!
Summer activities for baby to do outside, nearby the home
- Visit an aquarium to introduce baby to life under the sea!
- Visit your local library for story time.
- Go on a nature walk in your neighborhood so baby can explore all the sounds and sights that surround you.
- Enroll in a baby yoga class.
- Try a baby swim class.
- Join a local baby gym.
- Find a mommy and me playgroup.
- Visit a children’s museum.
- Let baby swing and slide on the playground.
- Take a trip to the beach and learn how to keep baby cool.
- If a beach trip is out of the question, visit a splash pad nearby — perfect for little ones!
- Treat yourself (and baby) to a little ice cream after a long hot day to stay cool!
Related posts:
Keeping baby cool in a car seat this summer
How to survive the summer months with a baby
Best baby activities for winter

Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at MommysBundle.com.
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