This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Johnson’s® and Latina Bloggers Connect. All opinions are my 100% my own.
Did you know that every loving interaction with mom or dad can help baby’s developing brain?
From a gentle touch to a pleasant smell, everyday rituals and interactions children experience create memories that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Studies have shown that by age three, 85% of a baby’s brain is developed. That’s why it’s so important to begin stimulating baby’s senses from the moment of birth.
A mother’s touch especially can do wonders for her babies.
That loving touch has the power to soothe, delight and nurture baby’s developing mind. And we’ve all seen it: baby responds to our touch with giggles and coos, which in turn causes us to smile and laugh too. The continuous engagement is exactly what baby needs for learning, communicating and growing.
I cherish every expression of love I receive from my children during those bonding moments we share.
During our bath time routine, I love to let my boys splash about in the water and blow bubbles as we giggle together. It gets messy, but I know they are getting plenty of sensory stimulation like developing positive associations with bath smells — linked to improved mood and alertness.
My 1 year-old gets a thrill from simply splashing water with his hands and soaking himself in the process! He finds it hilarious :)!!
And my 3 year-old will use every excuse he can to take a bath. He finds so much joy and laughter in dumping water over his head and “swimming” with his sea creatures.
I know they love the time they get to spend in the bath and it makes me happy to know they will carry those positive memories with them for a lifetime.
Our bedtime rituals are also another important time when the power of touch and smell come into play.
Both my boys love a soothing back rub and lullaby as they drift off into dream land. My youngest is known to fall asleep quickly in my arms after a gentle rock and song. He finds comfort in my scent — which isn’t surprising considering babies recognize moms by smell alone!
However, getting my toddler to sleep has been more of a struggle recently. If I’m not there to massage his back or offer continuous hugs, he has fits and outbursts, crying for me to come in and hug him. And it makes sense that he seeks that comfort in touch because research has shown routine touch and massage helps improve sleep quality and quantity when part of a bedtime routine (whereas children who receive minimal touch and stimulation can often experience sleep disturbances).
So I always make it a point to go in and tuck him in, whether it’s to give him a rub or tousle his curls as we say a little bedtime prayer. He sometimes starts chatting up a storm and asking me if I like certain animals or cartoon characters like he does. It takes some time, but it’s a nice bonding time we share.
There’s never a dull moment in my life with the boys fighting for my attention, but it’s natural that they crave a mother’s constant touch and affection.
I’m trying to enjoy these moments while they last and remind myself that every touch, every hug, and every smile is stimulating and providing them a healthy development.
This beautiful video from JOHNSON’S® Baby celebrates the power of mom’s touch. Watch it and remember it this Mother’s Day!
Be sure to connect with JOHNSON’S® on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for more beautiful stories and videos in the #SoMuchMore campaign!
This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with JOHNSON’S® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at
joanna says
Love this!! It is so true that a mother’s touch is so important to bonding and forming that relationship with your baby:)
joanna recently posted…Twin Pregnancy Update: Week 30
Carol Taney says
Beautiful, Ana.
Claire says
this is so sweet! I’m right there with you trying to enjoy each moment – it goes too quickly!
Claire recently posted…Mother’s Day in Hollywood {gift bag giveaway valued over $950}
Rebekah says
We use all J&J bedtime stuff – I love the smell. Our nighttime ritual is my favorite time of the day… we cuddle up in bed and read books… it’s a nice calm way to detach from all the craziness of the day!
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