This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with Tide® and Gain® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
If you have little kids in the house, you know how easy it is for those little hands to get a hold of any and everything around. That’s why constant baby-proofing is such a big deal. This is even more true when it comes to the laundry room, an often overlooked area where little ones “help” with the process by jumping into piles of clothes, pressing buttons and popping their heads into the dryer.
Children, and toddlers especially, are curious by nature. If something is new to them they want to explore it further…which is a great quality when it comes to learning and development…but not so great when it comes to chemicals and detergents.
Newer detergents that come in the form of single unidose laundry pacs like Tide Pods and Gain flings are one of the many advances that have made washing clothes easier and more convenient. Think: no more messy liquid spillage or measuring cups! These pacs contain highly concentrated detergent in a uniquely designed multi-chamber, yet require the same discipline as common household cleaning products when it comes to safely using, handling and storing.
In honor of Poison Prevention Week I’ve partnered with Tide® and Gain® to bring you helpful tips to keep kids safe when it comes to laundry time.
The most important piece of advice when it comes to safe laundry practices, is supervision. Nothing is more important than watching what your child is doing especially if they happen to be rummaging through the laundry basket. It can prevent many accidents from happening in the first place.
Along with supervision, comes storage. Detergents need to be kept up, up and away (#arribaylejos) on shelves or cabinets with locks. The detergent pacs in particular, may pique a toddler’s curiosity even more, so should be kept sealed and packed away so they are not within a child’s reach. This also means the packets should be kept in their original container with the instructions and warning labels.
Also try to think like your child would. Get down on your hands and knees and see if there is anything that your child may use to reach those off-limit chemicals. This might even mean sealing the entry way to the laundry room, moving that stepping stool and storing the detergent as soon as you bring it into the house!
Lastly, in case an accident does occur, make sure you have important phone numbers handy like that of a poison control center and your pediatrician.
Learn more about the #ArribayLejos campaign made to educate families on the importance of laundry room safety and connect with Tide & Gain for more tips!
Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at
Sinea Pies says
What an important post! My son drank Dynamo liquid detergent when he was abou 18 months. It happened so fast. I was in the same room with him. I heard him spitting it out “Bleh bleh bleh” and it was running down his tummy. Called poison control and they said put him in the tub (STAY with him) and give him a bath. He will throw up . He did. What a relief. NEVER leave cleaning products within a child’s reach. I’m pinning this one 🙂
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Ana says
Omg, that is so scary Sinea! I’m so glad you were able to get it out of his system! It’s crazy how fast these things can happen right in front of us! I can never keep up with my little ones – I blink and there is an incident! I’m definitely makings sure that number is handy! Thanks for commenting!!
Brianne says
Loved this post! I think it’s great that they have stepped up to Collab with you about the safety of these chemicals around the house. I hope other Mommys can relate. You did a great job shedding light on this! Thank you!
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Theresa @DearCreatives says
True! & so important to keep them locked up and out of reach of kids! Safety for kids is so important.
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Preston Chapman says
Thank you so much for this article it really opened my eyes.
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