I meant to post this last week, on the official day, but anyhow… We are half way to having a one-year old! Let me just say, baby is getting quite strong and super chatty these days. He’s also accomplished quite a bit in his first 6 months: He now has 2 teeth on his bottom […]
Baby’s First Solid Foods
A little late in posting, but the newest update in babyworld is…we have officially made the transition from exclusively breastfeeding to introducing solids! And there is just one way to describe how baby is dealing: he is simply LOVING IT! I knew he was ready for food when a strictly-milk diet (or milk with a […]
Vote! It’s Election Day
Whatever your party, don’t forget to vote today! I made it out earlier today before noon, and was happy to learn that there was no wait…which made me uber happy since I was out with the little one in tow. Happy voting! Ana @ Mommy's BundleAna, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported […]
Semi-Homemade Baby Ninja Turtle Costume
Oh the very first Halloween photos of baby. A chance to show off your adorable bundle of joy in the cutest of costumes. How could a new mom not want to get the most adorable baby costume possible?? Such a fun and proud moment for all first-time moms! So I’m joining in the fun here, […]
Time for Pumpkin Picking
This past weekend, we had such a great time with the extended family down at the local pumpkin patch. The time of year is just beautiful with all the colorful foliage and aroma of hot cocoa, apple cider and pumpkin spice in the air. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, ah :)! We […]
5 Months Old!
My little Chili bear is 5 months old today! That is all. Ana @ Mommy's BundleAna, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at MommysBundle.com. mommysbundle.com
Introducing Baby Cereal
I knew that my baby was growing up faster than I ever imagined, the moment my pediatrician mentioned I could start feeding him a couple spoonfuls of rice cereal a day. Feeding with a spoon already?? YES, it is time! My little one is almost 5 months old and apparently 2-3 spoons of baby cereal […]
My Baby Rolls Over!
I spent last week at my sister’s house to visit family and help prep for her recent baby shower. During my visit, Chili reached another great milestone which I was able to capture on video: he rolled over! I was overjoyed to witness such a momentous occasion and made sure to grab the camera to […]
Wordless Wednesday: 4 Months Old
My little boy is growing so quickly! Can’t believe he is now 4 months old, just under 15 pounds heavy and 24.5 inches long. He is one happy baby :)! Ana @ Mommy's BundleAna, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since […]
My Baby Is Teething Already!
I still can’t believe it. But alas, it is true. My soon-to-be 4 month old is teething already! It started a few weeks ago when I noticed excessive drool — just one of the tell-tale signs. This drool, accompanied by a fussy baby who kept stuffing his fist in his mouth was the giveaway. But […]