Are you pregnant and preparing for a new baby? See our list of what you need to do now while in nesting mode, to get your home ready for baby…plus a few things you should do for mommy before it’s way too late!
This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Huggies Little Snugglers and Latina Bloggers Connect.
I remember when I was first pregnant and planning out all the things we needed to do in preparation for the arrival of our first bundle of joy. I knew I had to stock up on essential items like baby clothes, diapers, bottles etc. But as a new mom, I was focusing on all the specific items baby needed…unfortunately I never really gave much thought to all those things I needed to do while I had the extra time!
Because fast-forward two years later: I am a mom to a two-year-old toddler and 5 month-old baby, with a messy house and ever-growing to do list that there never seems to be enough time for.
So if you are a mom-to-be experiencing a little bit of pregnancy-brain, keep this printable list handy to remind you of all those things you need to tackle before baby arrives…for your personal sanity!
Click HERE to download the PDF version of the printable.
1. Finish the Nursery
For starters, be sure you have baby’s room all ready. This includes a crib or bassinet assembled, a fully-stocked changing area and any and all painting finished.
2. Install the Car Seat
You won’t be able to take baby home without a car seat. Make sure it’s ready to go (i.e. out of the box and installed correctly)! Because believe it or not about 73% of car seats are NOT installed properly according to SafeKids.org.
3. Pack a Hospital Bag
Although most newborns make it to the full-term mark, you never know when baby will actually make his or her debut. Having your hospital bag prepared several weeks in advance helps reduce last-minute jitters. If you need some tips on packing a bag, you can check out how I prepared.
4. Sanitize Bottles or Nursing Pump
It may sound basic, but making sure those bottles and breast pump attachments are clean and ready to go is crucial considering you won’t have much time to spend unpacking or washing and drying things later.
5. Send Thank You Cards
If you’ve celebrated a baby shower or have received gifts from a baby registry, make the effort to try and send out all your thank you cards as soon as you can. I thought I’d have plenty of time for this but ended up sending the remaining half of my cards while baby slept…and missed out on my own naps!
6. Prepare Birth Announcements
I know what you’re thinking. Birth announcements before baby?! Yes! Spend time browsing TinyPrints.com or Shutterfly.com to bookmark your favorite card style. Then once baby arrives, all you have to do is insert a photo and customize details.
7. Baby-Proof
Although baby won’t be running around just yet, he or she will be rolling over and reaching for things in no time. Examine baby’s nursery and play areas to ensure whatever’s in reach is safe. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to start baby-proofing table corners and cabinets early.
8. Wash Baby Clothes
Most people focus on washing newborn size clothing and blankets but hold off on the bigger outfits. Remember that babies grow at different rates and yours could be wearing the 0-3 months and 3-6 months clothing before you know it! Have a few options ready to go!
9. Freeze Meals
Who has time to cook after a long day and little to no-sleep? Not a new mom. Freeze your meals in advance so that come dinner time all you have to do is reheat!
10. Clean the House
Things will get a little messy with a new baby. You’ll be knee-deep in laundry loads and dishes. Organizing closets and dusting corners now will make things a little less stressful later.
11. Go on a Date
This is simple. Go out to dinner. Watch that movie. Visit those friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with. Go on as many dates as you can with your partner because date night will be tough to keep, those first few months with a newborn.
12. Pay Bills
Scheduling payments ahead of time just gives you one less thing to worry about when baby arrives.
13. Pamper Yourself
Treat yourself to a mani-pedi, facial and massage now. You don’t know how long it will be until you are able to make time for yourself later.
14. Travel
As long as you aren’t in your third trimester, take advantage and book a “babymoon.” While traveling with little ones is possible, it sure is a lot easier when you don’t have kids tugging at your leg while you try to unwind.
15. Tackle Any Unfinished Projects
Now’s the time to finish that DIY project you’ve been putting aside for months. If it’s a project you can’t do alone, enlist help from your partner.
16. Sleep
Yep, you read that right! Sleep is something most people won’t ever really give much thought to until they lack it. Now is the time to catch up on all the sleep you can, because once baby arrives “sleeping in” will be in sweet distant memory.
I hope this checklist will bring a little peace of mind as you prepare for the big day!
One more thing that should bring you peace of mind, is knowing that brands like Huggies want to provide new mothers with unbeatable skin care for baby’s sensitive skin. That’s why they are introducing Huggies® Little Snugglers Diapers that have a GentleAbsorb Liner to provide a cushiony layer of protection with hundreds of tiny absorbent pillows to help draw mess away from your baby’s delicate newborn skin. If you haven’t already done so, add the Little Snugglers Diapers & Natural Care Wipes to your registry!
Huggies recognizes there are some things you can’t add to your baby registry, so they are asking, “Is there something you wish you could add, but simply can’t?” Simply register your wish HERE for your chance to make it a reality! Huggies will do everything they can to make your wish come true if you win!
Thanks to Huggies for sponsoring this post in a series I will be writing for new moms!

Ana, a mom to three rambunctious little boys, has supported hundreds of thousands of women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey since 2012 as a blogger and maternal health advocate at MommysBundle.com.
These are all terrific suggestions Ana. I remember the stressful weeks leading up to the birth of your baby. I was so scared I would forget to do something important. I love that you offer a printable to help new Moms! 🙂
Nicole recently posted…Green Scene Mom Award
Thanks Nicole! I didn’t make enough time for myself with the pampering and stuff, so hope this will help moms-to-be plan ahead.
Ana recently posted…Ending Domestic Violence with the #PurplePurse Challenge
Definitely catch up on sleep while you can! My friend just gave birth – she could have used this. Next time… 😉
Emma @ P is for Preschooler recently posted…Simple Apple Weaving
Sleep – yes! One of the most important reminders!!
Ana recently posted…Ending Domestic Violence with the #PurplePurse Challenge
My last baby was 8 years ago. This is a perfect list for expecting mothers, especially the “pamper yourself part”.
Tamara recently posted…Keeping Your Kids in Affordable, Yet Stylish Clothes
Thanks Tamara :)!
Ana recently posted…Ending Domestic Violence with the #PurplePurse Challenge
SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP! haha. I know a lot of pregnant ladies have a difficult time sleeping, but if you can definitely do that. It was a year before I got any type of decent sleep after my son was born. I also recommend going to the movies a lot. It is really difficult to get out and go see a movie after the baby is born. Also, go to plenty of fancy date nights! Great list!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…Pasta with Pumpkin Sauce, Sausage and Spinach
I remember the last weeks before my son was born I had this huge nesting crazyness going on. And all I could do was crochet, lol. I did some bags and tablets and I don’t even remember what else. But it was all that I cold do, literally 🙂
what great tips, I wish i knew this when I had my daughter, 11 long years ago
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