One new tradition we are starting with our kids is sending Letters to Santa. This is actually one tradition I did not do as a child. I don’t actually ever remember believing in Santa Claus, I think I always assumed my mom bought the gifts and we just got an extra one from Santa sometimes. […]
Everything I Wish I Knew About Finding a Mom Tribe
Finding mom friends or a tribe of women to connect with is essential for surviving the chaotic early years with kids. To make true mom friends that you can call on during the tough days of motherhood, follow a few essential steps. I was the new girl in town, with a baby on the way. No […]
The Calm Down Tip to Control Mom Anger at Bedtime
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the chaos that kids bring. But bringing calmness starts with you, mom. Learn how to control the mom anger even at bedtime. I spent my day being “on” as a stay at home mom. I made three semi-nutritious meals, cleaned up two “I do it, Mama” spills, and wrangled several […]
18+ Halloween Costumes for Pregnant Moms: From First Trimester to the Last
Finding the perfect Halloween costume when you’re pregnant can be quite the endeavor, depending on how far along you are. Early on in pregnancy, you don’t always want to spill the beans too soon; and then when you are pushing 8-9 months it can be quite the challenge to fit into anything. This is where a […]
Stop the New Mom Overwhelm with a Simple Tool
It’s easy to become overwhelmed those first few weeks as a new mom taking care of baby’s every need. To keep track of diaper changes, baby’s mood, and feedings (especially as a breastfeeding mom), this simple tool will help banish mom brain and help you keep it together! This post may contain affiliate links. The blur of […]
Prevent Stay at Home Mom Burnout with This One Simple Trick
It’s easy to lose yourself in motherhood when you’re a stay at home mom and life revolves around kids. Find out how to stay sane and avoid burnout while raising little ones. This post may contain affiliate links. I’ve been a stay at home mom to three kids for over a decade now. There have […]
Pump More Breast Milk: 10 Powerful Pumping Tips to Increase Your Output
Wondering how you can pump more milk for your breastfed baby? Use our best pumping tips to increase your milk supply and production efficiency. If you’re a pumping mama, the one thing that’s always on your mind is time. It takes time to carve out pumping sessions. It takes time to wash the shields and […]
How Positive Reinforcement Has the Power to Change Bad Behavior
Sometimes in the midst of the parenting chaos, we overreact to our child’s bad behavior in order to prevent it from happening again. But then, we don’t make as big a deal about very small, yet positive behaviors kids engage it. And it sends a message to our kids. Stop for a minute to think […]
Candy Decorated Pumpkins: A Fun No-Carve Option for Kids
If you dread carving pumpkins with little kids, fear not! Non-carving alternatives are becoming more and more popular for Halloween…especially when you have toddlers in the home. One of our favorite ways to decorate pumpkins is of course with candy! Because with Halloween creeping up, there’s bound to be a stash of candy lying around […]
6 Clever Tips to Feel More Comfortable Breastfeeding in Public
Inside: Get tips to feel confident and comfortable breastfeeding in public, even when you think others are judging you. It’s a sad, but common reality when a mother is shamed or made to feel uncomfortable for trying to feed her child in public…whether by someone’s rude remarks or by her own internal fears. As if feeding your baby is […]
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